Rest assured that she didn’t intend to offend.
Lady Gaga has released a statement to ease the concerns of Christians upset at her latest release. Don’t worry; the music video for Judas was never meant to be “a biblical lesson.” Even though it features a biker gang who wear the apostles’ names on their leather jackets and a leader with a sparkling crown of thorns. In fact, she never even viewed the song as a “religious statement.”
Still, it’s difficult to overlook lyrics that reference Mary’s humble act of washing the feet of Jesus, Peter’s three-fold betrayal, and Judas as “a king with no crown.”
Now we know that it’s only a “metaphor” and “cultural statement.” Does anyone else feel better?
For decades I have heard the cry, “Just change the channel.” If you were upset by the glorification of sin…watch something else. If a song’s lyrics offended you…listen to another station. If you found an image distasteful…simply look away. Yet a contemporary society that professes to want little to do with Jesus Christ continues to return to Him as a theme for artistic endeavors. Paintings, books, songs, films…so many avenues to denigrate, ridicule, and profane.
May I return the same advice to an unbelieving world? Find another subject. Don’t believe in a Creator God? Exclude Him from your book. Refuse the authenticity of Jesus of Nazareth? Find another historical figure to deride in your film. Reject the thought of Christ as the Savior? Leave Him out of your profane song.
However, it may come as a surprise that my real conflict is not with Gaga. Why should we expect anything else? Since when has the world been reverent toward the sacred? The genuine fault is with Christians and our responses.
We chuckle at her dress made out of meat or another outrageous, attention-grabbing stunt. We get excited when Glee promises to cover Born This Way and adjust our schedule so we don’t miss it. (Certainly enough fodder there for a separate article). Teens download the latest offering because everyone else is listening to it. Never mind the message of the lyrics. Christian parents offer only a mild frown of disapproval and declare, “It’s not my style of music, but the kids seem to like it.”
Where is the discernment? Isn’t there enough in what entertains us to disqualify it by scriptural standards? Should it take a blatant slap across the face like seeing your thorn-crowned Savior sitting with a six-pack and a scantily-clad woman draped across Him?
Yes, there really was One who wore a crown of thorns. He sacrificially wore that crown as He hung on a cross. He did that as payment for sin. He did it for you and me (and Lady Gaga, too).
In the song she concludes “I’m just a holy fool.” As long as she (or anyone else) rejects a God who loves her and a Savior who died on her behalf, she’s half right. For that matter, perhaps the title more accurately describes any Christian who’s content to sing along with the world’s message.
Philip. 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
#1 by Frank Thompson on May 7, 2011 - 10:59 am
Amen!! The world, by no accident, ridicules and mocks Jesus Christ. Also, by no accident, many Christians love to be entertained by the world. This is not simply a paradox, but it is a choice that is admonished in the Scriptures.
#2 by Carolyn Brooks on May 7, 2011 - 7:10 pm
A well written article and truly we are living in a sad hour, but we were told that these things would happen. The only thing to do is to PRAY and keep our eyes on the eastern sky, OUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH—SOON. God bless you and yours. cb
#3 by emily russell on June 15, 2011 - 11:14 am
Well said! PREACH!
#4 by Ben Jennings on August 17, 2011 - 3:29 pm
Great article- So glad your contributing to the conversation about things people are dealing with.